Church Groups
Here is a selection of some of the church groups you can get involved with at St Peter's. There are also plenty of opportunities to volunteer and many ways to join in with the life of our church.

St Peter’s Church Choir
St Peter’s Church Choir helps to lead the worship at the 11am Sung Eucharist each Sunday. Music at this service includes a sung mass setting, a psalm (usually using a responsorial setting) and an anthem, with music ranging from the Tudor period through to 21st Century compositions. The choir meets to rehearse in the church from 6-7pm on Friday evenings and new singers are always welcome.
The church is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) and singers therefore have the opportunity to take part in RSCM singing examinations and other events if they wish.
Local Ministry Area (LMA) Choir
Singers from other parts of the Local Ministry Area join with St Peter’s Church Choir to form an LMA Choir for various special services throughout the course of the year. These services are held in different churches within the LMA and have recently included a Requiem Mass for All Souls’ Day including a liturgical performance of Fauré's Requiem, a Service of Nine Lessons & Carols, Choral Vespers for the Feast of the Epiphany and occasional Choral Evensongs. A short series of rehearsals is arranged in the few weeks before each service.
Occasionally, choral services are also organised on a ‘come and sing’ basis with a rehearsal for about an hour on the day followed by a short refreshment break before the service itself. This gives potential new singers an opportunity to experience singing with the choir.
For further details for either choir, please contact Glynis Morris at lmachoir1@gmail.com; tel: 01570 481336.
St Peter's Mothers' Union
The St Peter’s Mothers’ Union branch has 27 members, including five men. We meet throughout the year: usually at St Peter's Church. We have a service on the first Tuesday of the Month (except for January and August). On the third Tuesday (except for August) we have a varied programme including welcoming a wide range of speakers both from within our LMA and beyond. We take part in the MU ‘Wave of Prayer’; The Women’s World Day of Prayer; have an Annual Dinner; Afternoon Tea, a Fish and Chips lunch and numerous special events. We attend Diocesan, Archidiaconal and LMA events.
We liaise regularly with other Branches and join for Quiet Afternoons and Evenings, special services, and fundraising activities.
Mothers’ Union is grounded and rooted in prayer with membership being open to ALL who have been baptised (christened) in the name of the Trinity regardless of gender, age or marital status. We are proud to be an inclusive branch. Friendship, fellowship, and mutual support is important to us.
For more information about joining or supporting St Peter's Mothers’ Union, please contact Mrs Wendy Evans (Branch Leader/Secretary) 01267 238033, any branch member or just come along to any of our meetings.
ALL are welcome. We’d love to hear from you. Croeso Cynnes!

St Peter's Bellringers
The St Peter's band meet to ring from 10.15am on Sunday morning for the 11 am service. They also ring for the major festivals and some funerals. If you would like to join, please pop along to the tower on a Sunday morning. All of St Peter's band are active members of the St Davids Diocesan Guild of Bell Ringers.
Bells 8 (15-1-18)
Practice night Thursday 6:30-8:30 (check first)
Contact: Mr Robert Hitchcock
Email: stpetersbellringers@outlook.com
The Friends of St Peter's
The Friends of St Peter’s Church Carmarthen was established in 2014 in response to the increased interest in the survival of St Peter’s Church as it faced an uncertain future and the organisation was formally registered as a charity with the Charity Commission for England and Wales in March 2016. Its stated objects under the constitution are to advance the Christian religion by the restoration, preservation, repair, maintenance, improvement and beautification of the Parish Church of St Peter, Carmarthen and of the monuments, fittings, fixtures, stained glass, furniture, ornaments and chattels in the church and churchyard belonging to the Church.
Membership of the Friends of St Peter’s Church Carmarthen is open to all who are interested in furthering this work and who have paid the annual subscription laid down from time to time by the Executive Committee. The current subscription rates are:
Individual member £12 per year
Family membership (up to 4 people) £30 per year
Small corporate group £30 per year
Corporate group £100 per year
Life membership £350 (one single payment)
All money raised by and for the charity is used towards specific projects within St Peter’s Church.
It is very simple to become a member of The Friends of St Peter’s Church Carmarthen.
For more details contact email: thefriendsofstpeters@gmail.com

Picture: By Sionk - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=47033053
Volunteering Opportunities
We are looking for more volunteers to help maintain the churchyard
We are looking for people to help set up a Sunday School open to all children from Carmarthen and offering them stories, teaching and principles of Christianity through age-appropriate lessons.
We wish to formalise our food handling arrangements. We are seeking 2 or 3 volunteers with food hygine training (or people willing to be trained) to form a small team to set up and oversee the appropriate food handling processes for the Thursday Breakfast club.
Please contact Father Tim Nelson for more information.