Our Team

Revd Father Tim Nelson
LMA Dean
Priest-in-Charge, St Peter's Church
Tel: 07368 496917
Father Tim was born in Liverpool and educated in the West Midlands, starting out as a chorister at Lichfield Cathedral. He studied for and obtained a degree from the University of Central England and qualified as a Secondary School music teacher.
He is married to Catherine and they set up their first home in a shared Christian household in Birmingham, where they attended a local community church. They subsequently moved to Shropshire and established an NHS Dental Practice, which Catherine ran for 16 years.
During this time, they had three children, all boys. The family moved to Wales so that Tim could take up the post of Chaplain at Llandovery College. Previously Tim worked as a teacher in secondary schools in England and had pastoral responsibility within various different jobs.
He began to explore a vocation to the Priesthood in England. After some years, the opportunity to start training arose in the diocese of St Davids as an NSML. Tim then began training for ministry within the Church. Father Tim was Deaconed in 2018 and Priested in 2020. He started as Priest-in-Charge of St. Peter's in May 2024.
Tim hopes to fulfil the calling God has placed upon his life, within the local area and is eager to be part of what God is doing within the diocese. When relaxing, Tim enjoys reading, watching movies, chess, gardening, real ale, and walking.

Nigel Evans
Church Warden
St Peter's, Carmarthen
Email: Stpeters.warden@gmail.com
Tel: 01267 238033
I am Nigel and I am one of the church wardens at St Peter’s, a role which I have thoroughly enjoyed for several years.
Whilst I am part of the team responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the church building, by far the best part about being a church warden is getting the opportunity to meet and greet people before and after our services.
We welcome you to join us at St Peter’s.

Revd Liz Jones
Bro Caerfyrddin LMA
I have worked most of my professional life in social care, as a counsellor and manager of a hostel for homeless people with complex needs and served briefly in the Royal Naval Reserve.
I felt a vocation to ordained ministry as a teenager and have been privileged to serve other denominations, while living in Bristol. Ordination in the Church in Wales feels like a home-coming. It is a tremendous gift to serve and support people, in times of joy and hardship, in Christ’s name.
To me, the rich traditions of Anglicanism are treasures to be cherished and shared through worship and ritual, while contemplative prayer offers the means to be alongside those deepening their journey into God.
I play bowls, enjoy reading and cooking. I am a Welsh-speaker and member of Gorsedd y Beirdd and am fascinated by British history, tradition and folklore.

Soong Ma
Church Warden
St Peter's, Carmarthen
My name is Soong and I have been People’s Warden for just over three years.
In that time it has been very gratifying to be part of St. Peter’s Church - to share in people’s joy at times of celebration and hopefully help to be a source of comfort and solace in the less happy times.